Planning, Zoning, Floodplain Administration


  • Public Notice

    Pursuant to Executive Order 11988 (Floodplain Management), as well as, Federal Emergency
    Management Agency’s (FEMA) implementing regulations at Title 44 of the Code of Federal
    Regulations Part 9, FEMA hereby provides final notice of its decision to provide Hazard
    Mitigation Grant Program funding for actions located in floodplains. Funding would be provided
    through Vermont Emergency Management to the Town of Hardwick for the demolition and
    acquisition of two (2) residential properties on VT Route-15.
    Eligible actions are within the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). Work would include the
    demolition and removal of structures, associated impervious surfaces, outbuildings, and
    facilities. Demolition would involve minor ground disturbances; site preparations and/or
    restorations; and the use of fill for minor grading and/or filling subsurface facilities where fill
    would meet existing grade. All construction equipment and materials would be staged within the
    parcels on pre-disturbed areas or driveways.
    Demolition work and associated site restorations would have limited temporary effects and no
    permanent adverse effects on the natural and beneficial values served by floodplains. Long-term,
    the values of the floodplain would be restored and natural flood storage capacity at the sites
    would improve.
    Alternatives considered include relocation, elevation, and “no action.” The relocation and
    elevation alternatives were deemed technically impracticable and not cost effective. The “no
    action” alternative would leave the community at risk. Demolition is the preferred alternative as
    it is cost effective, eliminates flood risk to homeowners to the maximum extent, promotes open
    space use, and restores natural floodplain values.
    Grant conditions will require compliance with all federal, state, and local laws, including
    coordination with the local floodplain administrator and proper removal of demolition debris,
    where applicable.
    Map requests and comments about this project and potential floodplain impacts should be
    submitted within 15 days of the date of this publication to:

    Pamela Sparks, Senior Environmental Specialist
    Federal Emergency Management Agency, Cambridge, MA; (346) 314-8506

  • Public Forum on the proposed Village Center District (VC)

    Draft Minutes from the December 10, 2024 meeting

    Video of Public Forum:

  • Proposed East Hardwick Zoning District

    After comparing HOME Act proposals with preliminary findings of the Better Connections process, the Hardwick Planning Commission (HPC) concluded that the East Hardwick Village was more aligned with a new single Village Center zoning district. The proposed Village Center District (VC) has the following purpose:

    “To support a central mixed use area in East Hardwick. The Village Center District is intended to provide a place of civic pride and a focal point for development in the community. The Village Center District enables a variety of housing opportunities with a mix of small-scale commercial in a pedestrian-friendly setting.”

    The Hardwick Planning Commission will be hosting a listening session at their meeting on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 6:30 pm. The session will occur on the third floor of the Memorial Building and on Zoom.

    Please bring your questions, concerns, and suggestions. You may also send these items by email to

    Additional information about the Village Center zoning district:


Unified Development Bylaws – Also Known as the Zoning Regulations

Hardwick Unified Development Bylaws – adopted on September 5, 2024 (also known as the zoning and subdivision regulations).


Wetland Screening Tool

The wetland screening tool was developed to help you navigate all the mapping layers which indicate a property may have wetlands on it. In addition to the Vermont Wetland Inventory Maps, the tool also screens for nearby hydric soils, wetland projects, wetland permits, wetland natural community types, and wetland advisory layers. To get started, all you need is the 911 address or the SPAN number for an undeveloped property. It is the best means of gaining a comprehensive view of potential wetlands on a property short of a site visit by a wetland professional, and understanding the layers you are looking at.


Hardwick Zoning Application for Permitted Use 
For any permitted use outside of the Flood Hazard Area Overlay.  This permit covers new construction, additions, or any other item which is permitted in your zoning district.

Hardwick Zoning Application for Subdivision
For any Subdivision Review Request. If you wish to subdivide your land, then this permit is for you.

Hardwick Agricultural Structural Exemption Notification
For Agricultural Exemptions Requests.  Per Section 7.2 B; accepted agricultural and best management practices, including farm structures, are exempted from the permit requirements.  However, written notification including a sketch plan of the structure showing setback distances from road rights-of-way, property lines, and surface waters shall be made to the Zoning Administrator prior to any construction.  This document can be used to notify the ZA.  Filing fee for this notification is $15 (recording fee).  Please note that this exemption does not cover employee housing on a farm.

Hardwick Zoning Application for Signs
Specifically for a sign request. Calculation of Sign Area

Hardwick Demolition of Structures Notification
Notify us when you plan to demolish a structure.  This notification has a $15 recording fee.

DEC has created an online Permit Navigator to help answer state environmental permit questions.  Permit Navigator | Department of Environmental Conservation (


Hardwick Zoning Application for Conditional Use
Specifically for Conditional Use or Variance. If you will need to visit the Development Review Board, then this permit is for you.

Hardwick Special Event – Conditional Use Application


Driveway Construction Approval Application


DEC has created an online Permit Navigator to help answer state environmental permit questions.  Permit Navigator | Department of Environmental Conservation (

Hardwick Zoning Application for Flood Hazard Administrative Permit
Specifically created for development in the Flood Hazard Area Overlay which would not require a zoning permit in other Zoning Districts.  Examples include exterior and interior improvements, new parking areas, new or replacement fuel storage tanks for existing structures. 

Hardwick Zoning Application for Flood Hazard Permitted Use
This application can be used for accessory structures (under 500 feet) in the Flood Hazard Area.

Hardwick Zoning Application for Conditional Use
Most activities in the Flood Hazard Area require a review from the Vermont Floodplain Manager and a Conditional Use review with the Development Review Board.  Examples include new structures (even accessory structures over 500 square feet), substantial improvements to existing structures, grading, excavation, and road improvements.

FEMA Substantial Improvement