Request for Proposals: Engineering Services

The Town of Hardwick, VT, is seeking proposals from qualified engineering firms to provide comprehensive design and engineering services for East Main Street Bridge #31 rebuild, which was demolished in 2024 due to structural collapse caused by rushing flood waters. This bridge is a vital component of our local infrastructure, and its replacement is essential for ensuring public safety and continuity of transportation for the area towns.  To see the full request please click here.

Emailed proposals may be sent to: Proposals may also be mailed to: Hardwick Town Manager David Upson, Town of Hardwick, PO Box 523, Hardwick, VT 05843 with a post mark no later than 2/19/25.

Proposals are due by Wednesday, February 19, 2024 at 3:00pm. Any proposals received after that date may be rejected at the sole discretion of the Town of Hardwick.

For additional information, contact the Town Manager’s Office at 472-6120.

Invitation to Bid: Roadside Mowing

The Town of Hardwick is requesting bids for mowing of Town Highway roadsides.  The Town has 77 miles of Class 3 and Class 2 roads both paved and gravel, which equates to 154 miles of roadside.  The Town would like the roadsides mowed during the month of July.  Please submit a written bid (stating a not to exceed dollar amount) for the project by 1:00 PM Monday, February 3, 2025 to:

Town of Hardwick

P.O. Box 523

Hardwick, VT 05843

Bids can also be emailed to  The Town of Hardwick reserves the right to waive informalities in, or reject any and all bids, or to accept any bid deemed to be in the best interest of the Town.  If you have questions, call 802 472-6120.


Notice to all Hardwick Voters who are interested in running for office that the following seats will be up for election at Town Meeting 2025:

For the Hardwick Select Board:
One 3-year Term
Two 1-year Term

For Town Clerk & Treasurer
One 3-Year Term

For the Hazen Union District #26 Board:
One 3-Year Term
Two 1-Year Remaining on Three Year Term

If you are interested in running for any of these positions, please pick up a Nominating Petition and Consent of Candidate form from the Town Clerk’s Office. You must have at least 24 valid signatures of registered Hardwick Voters (we suggest 30 to be certain) and the original petition and consent must be submitted to our office no later than 5 p.m. on January 27, 2025.

Please contact our office at 802-472-5971 if you have any questions.

Proposed East Hardwick Zoning District

After comparing HOME Act proposals with preliminary findings of the Better Connections process, the Hardwick Planning Commission (HPC) concluded that the East Hardwick Village was more aligned with a new single Village Center zoning district. The proposed Village Center District (VC) has the following purpose:

“To support a central mixed use area in East Hardwick. The Village Center District is intended to provide a place of civic pride and a focal point for development in the community. The Village Center District enables a variety of housing opportunities with a mix of small-scale commercial in a pedestrian-friendly setting.”

The Hardwick Planning Commission will be hosting a listening session at their meeting on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 6:30 pm. The session will occur on the third floor of the Memorial Building and on Zoom.

Please bring your questions, concerns, and suggestions. You may also send these items by email to

Additional information about the Village Center zoning district: