Invitation to Bid: Hardwick Pedestrian Bridge Construction **REBID NOTICE*

The Town of Hardwick seeks sealed BIDS for the construction of the Hardwick   Pedestrian Bridge Project including the removal of existing retaining walls, removal of existing bridge abutments, shoring of existing retaining wall to remain, installation of new retaining walls segment, installation of new bridge abutments, installation of new pedestrian bridge, reconnecting utilities, minor grading within river corridor to expand floodway volume capacity, installation of riprap, slope stabilization measures and planting, and paving and landscape improvements to pedestrian bridge access.

Pre-bid meeting is required for those who didn’t attend the May 31 meeting and will be held on Wednesday, July 10 at 1:00 p.m. Questions from prospective bidders due on Monday, July 15. Responses to questions will be provided by COB on Wednesday, July 17.

Bids will be accepted at the Hardwick Town Manager’s Office, 20 Church Street, Hardwick, VT 05843 until 12:00 p.m. on July 22, 2024, and then publicly opened and read aloud at said office.

Due to the file size, the drawings, specifications, and contract documents may be examined at the following location: Hardwick Town Manager’s Office 20 Church Street, Hardwick, VT 05843. You may also request the documents be mailed to you.


The Town of Hardwick is participating in the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program which provides funding to towns to purchase and demolish properties damaged in natural disasters. This is a federally funded program administered by the State of Vermont Department of Public Safety.  The properties included in this RFP have been purchased by the Town of Hardwick, and closing will have occurred prior to commencement of the demolition. The funding for this project is provided by these grants to the Town of Hardwick.

Click here for the full RFP.

Property Taxes

Reminder to all Hardwick property owners, taxes are due Friday May 10th.

Town Clerk Office Hours are Monday – Thursday 7:30 am – 4:30 pm and Friday 7:30 am – 11:30 am

May 10th the Town Clerk’s office will be open 7:30 am – 6:00 pm. Please note from 11:30 am – 6:00 pm will be for tax collecting only. We will not be able to offer other services during that time. Thank you for your understanding.

If you would like to confirm your taxes have been paid or find out your balance prior to May 10th, please email

We also strongly recommend if you purchased or refinanced your home within the last year and your taxes are escrowed you email to confirm we have received all payments from escrow company.

Request for Proposal (RFP) for NRCS Emergency Watershed Protection Program: Third-Party Engineering Services for the Town of Hardwick

The Town of Hardwick, VT, in collaboration with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), is seeking proposals from qualified engineering firms to provide third-party engineering services for three projects on privately owned property under the Emergency Watershed Protection (EWP) program. The selected firm will assist in the assessment, design, and implementation of erosion control and flood mitigation measures in three designated watershed areas affected by the July 2023 flooding.

Click here for the complete RFP.


REMINDER TO ALL HARDWICK DOG OWNERS – Dog licenses are due by Monday, April 1st. Please bring in a current rabies certificate when you come to register. Fee is $9.00 for spayed/neutered and $13.00 for non-spayed/neutered. Late fee will be applied after April 1st. If you have any questions, please email or call 802-472-5971.