Hardwick Conservation Commission

The Conservation Commission meets at 5 pm. on the second Monday of each month in the Memorial Room of the Town Building. The first meeting was on May 21, 2019. The Commission’s adopted bylaws are available here

Please see below for the most recent agenda and minutes.

April 2024
Hardwick’s Natural Resources Inventory is now online

The commission started working in April 2023 to establish a Natural Resources Inventory of the town of Hardwick. Here are some of the existing maps that have information about a variety of interesting features, including wetland areas, habitat connectors, soil types, etc.




Crabapple pruning in Spring 2022, Lamoille river, by Wolcott Street in Hardwick.

Lamoille river kayak expedition, September 7, 2019

Rachel and Renaud kayaked a section of the Lamoille to scope out environmental concerns and trash. There is considerable erosion next to Highway 16 but no trash. So there is no need for a river clean-up. We should do another event when the water level of the river is higher.

The second edition of Wetland, Woodland, Wildland, by Elizabeth H. Thompson, Eric R. Sorenson and Robert J. Zaino  was recently published.

More information about this book, and its authors, is available on the website of the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources’ Fish and Wildlife Department.

The Conservation Commission includes the following members:

  • Tyler Buswell
  • Lesa Cathcart
  • Ken Davis
  • Kathy Hemmens
  • Rachel Kane (Co-Chair)
  • Ben Pougnier
  • Norma Wiesen
  • Lucy Zendzian (Co-Chair)

Potted elderberries for sale at the 2019 Hardwick Spring Festival
