Hardwick Electric Department Commissioner Positions

There are currently two (2) appointed positions for Hardwick Electric Department (HED) Commissioners expiring on June 30, 2024. One position is for a 2-year term and one position is for a 3-year term. The individuals serving in these positions should either be a resident of Hardwick or reside in a Town that HED serves. Due to the technical nature of the role, prior experience with public utilities or serving in a similar role would be beneficial.  Interested candidates are encouraged to attend a Commissioner meeting prior to submitting a formal letter of interest. The letter should outline their qualifications/experience and interest in serving. The deadline for submission is Friday, June 28, 2024, at 3:00 P.M.

Submissions should be sent to: Town of Hardwick, P.O. Box 523, Hardwick, VT 05843 Attn: Town Manager or hand delivered to the Town Manager’s Office at 20 Church Street.  Submissions can be emailed to the Town Manager: david.upson@hardwickvt.gov Candidates should indicate what term they wish to fulfill and plan to attend the July 18 Select Board meeting at the Memorial Building. If you have questions, call the Town Manager’s Office at 802.472.6120.