Community Development

Tracy Martin
Community Development Coordinator


Better Connections Project – East Hardwick Village

  • Better Connections Grant (awarded)
    This project is engaging the community in a comprehensive planning process for the historic Village of East Hardwick for the purpose of guiding future economic development, land use, and transportation infrastructure investments and decisions along Main, School, and East Church Streets, and Brickhouse Road. The plan will create a blueprint for undertaking future projects in East Hardwick including multimodal transportation improvements (streetscaping, wayfinding, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, parking, and access management), revised land use regulations and design standards, redevelopment and infill projects, marketing initiatives, recreation connections, etc.

The project was made possible by a grant from the Better Connections Program, a collaboration of Vermont’s Agency of Transportation, Agency of Commerce and Community Development, and Agency of Natural Resources.

East Hardwick Designated Village Center Map

East Hardwick community members gathered for soup, bread and conversation on Wednesday, March 12. Peter Fairweather of Fairweather Consulting presented the draft Better Connections Village Plan.

The East Hardwick plan is the result of months of work by the project steering committee. It incorporates ideas and priorities generated at a Community Supper held in July 2024, as well as feedback gathered through a written survey of East Hardwick residents.

To learn more about the process and to view the draft plan, please visit the project website:

(Zoning) Bylaw Modernization [Project Completed]

  • ACCD Bylaw Modernization Grant (awarded)
    The Town of Hardwick hired a planning consultant to work with the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission, key stakeholders, and residents to review the Town’s unified zoning bylaws and to draft amendments. Those amendments reflect “smart growth” principles and will support the creation of additional housing options in both of the Town’s two Designated Village Centers (Hardwick and East Hardwick).

Revised Zoning Bylaws

Hardwick Downtown Partnership

The Community Development Coordinator serves on the Board of the Hardwick Downtown Partnership. The mission of the Hardwick Downtown Partnership is to provide leadership to support the economic, social, cultural, and recreational vitality of downtown Hardwick. Hardwick is one of 24 Designated Downtowns under the Vermont Downtown Program which provides opportunities for our community and benefits businesses and property owners.

Hardwick Downtown Partnership website:

Vermont Downtown Program website:

Designated Downtown Benefits Pdf

Hardwick Police Department Radio Repeater Project

  • Homeland Security Grant (not awarded)
    The Town of Hardwick proposes to purchase and install a 3-site radio simulcast system for use by the Hardwick Police Department. This system will significantly increase the range and effectiveness of police radio communications in the department’s patrol area. Each repeater in the system will include a single chassis assembly, a Lenear PA, a reciter, and a power management unit. Three repeater locations were selected for this project based on the results of a coverage assessment provided for the Town by TeleVate. The repeaters will be deployed on an existing telecommunication tower on West Hill, and at the Hardwick Public Safety Building, and the Greensboro Fire Station. Grant funds will be used to purchase the equipment for the system and will cover the cost of installing the equipment and bringing the system online. These improvements are essential to the core capability of operational coordination and will be critical in the event of a terrorist attack or other public safety emergency.

Lamoille Valley Rail Trail

The Community Development Coordinator works with local community groups and with the NEK LVRT Council on projects related to the rail trail.

  • Central VT Municipal Solid Waste District Grant (awarded)
    Acquisition of trailhead trash & recycling receptacles
  • BGS Building Communities Grant (awarded)
    Acquisition of trailhead informational kiosks & interpretive signage bases
  • VTRANS Community Grants (via NVDA) (awarded)
    Trailhead Scoping Study completed.
  • VTRANS Community Grants (via NVDA) (awarded)
    Trailhead Amenities (Porta-potties, picnic tables, benches)

EHNO East Hardwick Trailhead Scoping Study

NEK LVRT Economic Projections

Mill Street/Main Street Feasibility Study

  • Transportation Alternatives Grant (awarded)
    The Town of Hardwick will contract with a transportation planner to carry out a scoping study for multimodal infrastructure improvements to 1060 feet of Mill Street and South Main Street from the eastern boundary of Lot# 51.7 (Mill Street) to the northeast boundary of Lot# 53.2 (South Main Street).

The sections of Mill Street and South Main Street included in this project were the focus of the Hardwick section of a report Kingdom Roads – Safer Spaces for Walking and Biking in Craftsbury, Greensboro, Hardwick and Barton Village created by consultants at Local Motion in 2017. Following on this work, the current Hardwick Planning Commission has taken a special interest in pedestrian and bicycle access and safety, first forming a Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Task Force to make recommendations to the Select Board and then working with Local Motion to plan for a Lamoille Valley Rail Trail/Downtown Hardwick loop for cyclists. The section of South Main Street included in the scoping study was highlighted as part of the bicycle loop.

Municipal Energy Resilience Program (MERP)

  • MERP Grant (awarded)
    “…for projects related to weatherization, thermal efficiency, to supplement or replace heating systems with more efficient renewable or electric versions, or any other measure recommended during the Energy Resilience Assessment in municipally owned buildings.”
    – Vermont Department of Buildings & General Services MERP FAQs

Pedestrian Bridge Project

  • Historic Interpretive Signage
    “The Town and their qualified professional, working in consultation with the Hardwick Historical Society, shall design and produce two interpretive panels for placement in publicly and ADA accessible locations adjacent to each entrance to the proposed bridge on each side of the river. The two interpretive panels shall include text and captioned photographs to animate the history of the suspension footbridge, its engineering, and its impact in the community since its construction.”
    – Stipulation section, Memorandum of Agreement between the Rural Housing Service and the Vermont State Historic Preservation Officer regarding the suspension footbridge over the Lamoille River in the Town of Hardwick, Caledonia County, Vermont.

  • 2023 Downtown Transportation Grant (awarded)
    Grant-writing support provided by Carrington Community Development Consultants with funding from a VHCB REDI grant.

  • 2025 Downtown Transportation Grant (application submitted)
    Grant-writing support provided by Carrington Community Development Consultants with funding from a VHCB REDI grant.