Emergency Notification #6

The Town of Hardwick would like to provide a quick update on the food recovery efforts. As of this afternoon, Tops Grocery Store is open, House of Pizza will be opening Monday July 15, and Walgreens is projected to be opening soon!

It’s very important to report any and all damage; even if you think it’s minor. Please call 211 to report the damage and photo document the damages. Reporting damage will help individuals receive state and federal aid. 

If you need any assistance please contact the Hardwick Neighbor to Neighbor organization. They will be at the Senior Center located at 56 High Street from 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM. Their phone number is 802-441-3301 and their email is hardwickneighbors@gmail.com. You can also contact the Town Manager’s office at 802-472-6120.