
Permits are required for all property development within the town, this includes new construction, additions or changes in land use.

Zoning News

Zoning Applications for Development Review Board Hearings can be found on the Development Review Board (DRB) pagehttps://hardwickvt.gov/government/committees-commissions/development-review-board/

November 15, 2023 The information from the November 14, 2023 session can be found here: Hardwick Bylaw Modernization Community update November 2023 (pdf of the slides)

October 19, 2023 The Hardwick Planning Commission is currently reviewing potential updates to the Hardwick Unified Development Bylaws. These changes would bring Hardwick into compliance with recent State statute changes and, hopefully, improve the availability of housing in Hardwick. Are you interested in hearing what types of bylaw changes are under discussion and consideration by the Planning Commission? Would you like to provide input? Heather Carrington, the consultant who is working with the Hardwick Planning Commission, will be at the Memorial Building (3rd floor) on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 6:30 to present and discuss with the community. Join us at the Memorial Building or virtually.

September 29, 2023 The Hardwick Community Planning Forum on September 28, 2023 included the following slides from the consultant – Heather Carrington. A second forum will be held later this fall. September 28, 2023 Community Planning Forum slides

September 2023 The Hardwick Planning Commission is currently reviewing potential updates to the Hardwick Unified Development Bylaws. These changes would bring Hardwick into compliance with the recent State statute changes and, hopefully, improve the availability of housing in Hardwick. Interested in hearing what is being proposed? Heather Carrington, the consultant who is working with the Hardwick Planning Commission, will be at the Hardwick Town House on Thursday, September 28th at 6 pm to present and discuss the work in progress. The Zoning Administrator, Kristen Leahy, will also be present for questions and/or concerns. Join us at the Hardwick Town House on September 28th at 6 pm.

August 18, 2023 The Select Board approved Interim Zoning Bylaws which will allow substantially damaged properties to be evaluated under a more streamlined process. Interim Flood Hazard Area Bylaw – Major Flood Recovery.

July 12, 2023 – If you are located in the Flood Hazard Area Overlay and interior repairs are needed on your property, you will need an Application for Administrative Permit. The Town is waiving the fee at this time and there is no waiting period for the notification permit. (As of April 15, 2024 – the fees are no longer waived). Any questions or concerns, please call the Zoning office at 802-472-1686. The application is located here:

Hardwick Zoning Application for Flood Hazard Administrative Permit   Specifically created for development in the Flood Hazard Area Overlay which would not require a zoning permit in other Zoning Districts.  Examples include exterior and interior improvements, new parking areas, new or replacement fuel storage tanks for existing structures.  This permit has a $15 recording fee.

February 2023 The Hardwick Planning Commission recently received a Bylaw Modernization Grant from the State of Vermont. The Planning Commission is seeking proposals from a planning consultant for zoning bylaw review and amendment, in accordance with the standards set forth by the grant. The RFP can be found here: Bylaw Modernization Grant RFP – Hardwick 2023

September 2022 The Hardwick Select Board will be holding a public hearing on October 6, 2022 in the Memorial Building with a Zoom option to discuss the proposed zoning bylaw changes which were supported and forwarded from the Hardwick Planning Commission. (Approved 10/6/22 – applicable on 10/27/22)

July 2022 The Hardwick Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing by Zoom on August 9, 2022 to discuss proposed Zoning bylaw changes to the Hardwick Unified Development Bylaws.

Proposed Zoning Bylaw Changes

Proposed Zoning District Amendment

February 11, 2022. The Town of Hardwick will be voting on the question of permitting retail cannabis in Hardwick – Articles 20 & 21 on the ballot.  The Planning Commission will review the zoning implications of this vote after Town Meeting day.  The State of Vermont has implemented a mandatory 500 feet buffer for properties that are adjacent or abutting school properties.  Both articles were adopted on March 1, 2022.

Cell Tower Information and AT&T Proposal Announcements

Please Note that the following information pertains only to the telecommunications projects which are required to send notification to the Hardwick Planning Commission.  Article 19 of the 2022 Town of Hardwick Annual Town Meeting was adopted on March 1, 2022.  The article states: “Shall the Town require its government to provide notice on its website to its residents when the Town receives notice that sources of radiation generated by cell towers/transmitters, Wi-Fi tower transmitters, and 5G antennas are being proposed for licensing and installation within the Town limits.”  The Planning Commission does not receive information regarding limited requests (such as new antennas or transmitters). For additional information regarding projects as defined by Article 19, please visit the Town Manager’s web page.  Right to Know – Hardwick, Vermont (hardwickvt.gov)

April 18, 2024 Received by email – Permit No. 2006-068 for Telecommunication Facility on Bridgman Hill

February 25, 2022 New Cingular Wireless PCS (d/b/a AT&T) has filed a motion to dismiss their petition without prejudice.  AT&T Motion to Dismiss – Hopkins Hill 21-3784 PET

February 11, 2022.  The Hardwick Planning Commission Chair, Dave Gross, has compiled a guide for Hardwick citizens.  Helpful links are included.  Tower Info Statement by Dave Gross – HPC Chair

February 1, 2022 – New Cingular Wireless PCS (d/b/a AT&T) has requested to extend the expiration date of the 30-day comment period to March 1, 2022.

September 14, 2021 – New Cingular Wireless PCS (d/b/a AT&T) has filed a petition to receive a certificate of public good to install a wireless telecommunications facility at 1190 Hopkins Hill Road, Hardwick.  The petition is 21-3784-PET and has been updated to utilize the existing tower with no height extensions.  Documents can be found at ePUC or at the following link:  https://drmpllc.sharefile.com/d-sf9a65572088140fcb8b689933f1f567b

March 18, 2021 – Please Note that a new AT&T proposal has been forwarded to the Town of Hardwick.   This is the 60-day Advance Notification for a Tower Extensio/Collocation.  This proposal was closed on September 10, 2021 and a new petition was filed – see September 14, 2021 above.

December 9, 2020 – Please note that a Motion to Dismiss has been filed by AT&T in the Public Utility Commission CPG review.  AT&T and their collaborators are withdrawing their application for a cell tower on Buffalo Mountain.  AT&T Order granting Closure

The information regarding the Public Utility Commission CPG review of VT PUC Case No. 20-3175-PET: AT&T Hardwick 1061 Cooper Brook Drive can be reviewed electronically on the ePUC.  The link to instructions on how to subscribe to a case in ePUC follows:


November 2019 – The newly updated Hardwick Municipal Plan was adopted on November 6, 2019.

Hardwick Municipal Plan – 2019 Original

Hardwick 2019 Plan Maps

Zoning Applications (PDF files)

Flood Hazard Area Overlay District applications (PDF files)

Important Zoning Documents (PDF files) 

Reference Materials (PDF files)

Wetland Screening Tool – The wetland screening tool was developed to help you navigate all the mapping layers which indicate a property may have wetlands on it. In addition to the Vermont Wetland Inventory Maps, the tool also screens for nearby hydric soils, wetland projects, wetland permits, wetland natural community types, and wetland advisory layers. The results for a given property are listed for you to see, with explanations of each layer and recommended next steps. You can also produce a map of the results. To get started, all you need is the 911 address or the SPAN number for an undeveloped property. This tool is recommended for realtors, potential buyers, town administrators, conservation commissions, and landowners. It is the best means of gaining a comprehensive view of potential wetlands on a property short of a site visit by a wetland professional, and understanding the layers you are looking at. You can find the wetland screening tool at https://dec.vermont.gov/watershed/wetlands/maps

Village Center Designation and Designated Downtown

The town of Hardwick has obtained Designated Downtown status for the central village and Designated Village Center status for East Hardwick from the Vermont Downtown Program, a division of the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Affairs. Below is information regarding tax incentives to home and business owners for improvements to downtown and village properties and maps showing the Hardwick Designated Downtown and the East Hardwick Village Center.  For more information, contact Richard Amore at the Department of Housing and Community Development – (802) 828-5229 or Richard.amore@Vermont.gov